Complaining Gets Me Frustrated
7:58 a.m. -- 2003-08-14

Entry Number : 320

Now Playing : Trapt - Headstrong

Quote for Today : None.

Today I Feel : The current mood of at

I feel the need to babble about my dad so if you don't wanna read a lot of whining and complaining that probably won't make sense to you unless you've been there... Stop now. <3

Monday morning I got to work after having on the best weekends I've had in a while. I didn't even have an overwhelming amount of work to do. It started getting close to lunchtime. My dad calls, and I hear this kid screaming in the background. I ask my dad where he is. He says he's at home and that what I hear is Justin running around acting crazy. That tipped me off right there. He'd only be keeping that monster if Deanna had come back around sucking up again.

So, he informs me that he'd like to take me out to lunch, and asks if I would mind if Justin came since he wanted to ride the motorcycle. I said ok. I don't know what possessed me to agree to this after the numerous disasterous occasions in restuarants all over the places where Justin was throwing a fit on the floor and sitting in his chair upside down. BUT I agreed. So, maybe it's all on me. I should've just told him to talk to me later on after I got off work.

He tells me to meet them at Salad, Etc. This is just a little place where they make really great salads and sandwiches and things. Well, I get there and have to wait for 10 mins for them to get there. They finally pull up and the place is packed, there's not even a free table. So, we stand around a while until someone leaves and sit down.

We're sitting at the table and Dad's cell phone rings. He answers it and says something about "how much square footage are we talking?" then "oh sorry that won't be enough." He gets off the phone and I'm like "planning on moving?" while staring into my salad dreading what he's gonna say. Turns out.. in order to "fix" all their previous problems, my dad and Deanna are buying a house together. Now, will someone please tell me how that is supposed to fix everything? Somehow I think I'd get even more sick of her if I was around her 24/7.

Well, I just wanted to cry, but I wasn't about to turn on the waterworks in a packed restuarant. So Dad starts trying to explain to me how he went from not talking to this woman AT ALL for over a month to buying a house with her in just two days. He's having trouble talking though because Justin keeps putting his sunglasses on in weird positions all over his face and asking "who do I look like now?" This kid just won't stop either. I wanted to strap him to his chair. I mean it was cute the first two times maybe, but after that I was tempted to shove them down his throat and tell him to try to talk like that.

I know I'm very violent. So sorry. Moving on.. It just really hurt my feelings how he knows I don't agree with his and Deanna's living together without at least being married or something. I was really upset, yet he had to bring me to some public place to announce all this to me. THANKS DAD!

Anyway, we got done eating and he's like "so you don't have anything to say?" And I'm like "oh there are lots of things I could say but none of them are good so I'll just keep them to myself." AND HE ACTUALLY JUST SAID "THANK YOU." God, I hate him sometimes. I really do.

No one understands how bad it is that they are back together. This means she'll start spending all his money, and every time I ask for some he'll be all "I don't have any, sorry" when any other time he'd have happily obliged since he's always feeling guilty for not living with us anymore. Not that it was his decision to get the divorce but still. At least my mom cares enough to keep her relationships on the downlow until things get serious enough that she can get us involved. I can't stand how when Daddy met Deanna TWO WEEKS after the divorce was finalized he started bringing her over and shit. I mean every weekend we'd go over there she'd be there. And it was always gross watching her hang all over my dad right in front of us. That's still gross, but you know.

It's been like that for two years. Whenever they are together, there is no Ashley, Amber, and Dad time. It's always "let's drag the whole fucking brady bunch with us." As in Deanna, Cassie, Justin, Dad, Amber, Ashley time. It doesn't help that her kids are total brats. Example : One night we were all gonna go eat together. I had asked Dad if we could go to McAlister's. He said yes. Cassie says I'VE EATEN THERE TWICE THIS WEEK. Deanna says well you can eat there again. Cassie says WELL I'M NOT EATING THEN. (Caps would mean yes.. she was screaming at the top of her lungs while we are all crammed in my dad's truck.) So we ended up going to the Huddle House where no one but my dad and Deanna wanted to go.

Plus, Deanna smokes.. constantly. She's ALWAYS got a damn cigarette in her hand. AND she leaves the butts laying around everywhere. I even found one in my bed once. Oh yeah, did I mention that whenever they spend the night when me and my sister are over there, somehow her and Cassie always end up falling asleep in MY bed. Leaving me with sleeping on the couch, of course. Fun stuff. Seeing as it's my bed not theirs. They should go sleep in their own beds. Ugh, I have to stop all this it's just pissing me off again.

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Puppies. - 2004-09-26
The Apartment. - 2004-08-06
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2004 Beale Street Music Festival - 2004-03-16
- - 2004-03-15

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