You Want Engaging... Well Here.
1:00 p.m. -- 2003-04-16

Entry Number : 191

Now Playing : Tonic - Head On Straight

Quote for Today : Abbeythehoneypot: Maybe I should...harass him about that pic :>

Today I Feel : The current mood of at

Well, apparently, this diaryreviews reviewer didn't enjoy my diary too much. Hah. Ok, that's cool. Being a reviewer myself, I understand how it could be hard to know where I'm going with some of my entries. But you know going so far as to say that I don't "even TRY to engage the reader" kind of insulted me. First, it's my diary and the only person I really try to engage is myself. Second, I do try to make things somewhat interesting and amusing, in a sometimes cynical way of course, to a certain extent so that anyone who happens to stumble across my diary enjoys the reading. I post song lyrics because if a certain song touches me in some way, I like to share it with my diary. That's what the previous and next links at the top of the page is for.... so if you don't feel like reading that entry.. move along.

But, yes, I will admit I've been posting a lot of lyrics lately. Whoopty-fucking-doo. I also appreciate you diaryreviews people letting me know that my review was done. Oh wait, you didn't do that, did you? Darn, I guess I don't have anything good to say after all.

Moving on (because I told myself I wouldn't ever do this ranting about a review thing, but here I am doing it)...

I got a really great review from these folks. Not that I expected anything less, of course.

I am glad that the evil chick gave me credit for my nice punctuation and grammar, but come on.. 8 focking points for content? Shit, I'm doing it again.

Let's see.. I can talk about things like Greek mythology. Today we were shown a picture of this painting called Landscape of the Fall of Icarus. Now, I have to come up with a critical analysis on it. One that is 400 words long and describes the relationship of the painting, the actual story of Daedalus and Icarus, and this poem that some guy wrote about the painting. Lovely, right? I thought so.

For those of you who don't know the whole deal behind Icarus:
Daedalus and his son, Icarus, lived on the island of Crete. The King of Crete had made a decree that no one could leave the island. Daedalus decided to make some wings out of feathers and wax for his son and him to fly off of the island. He told Icarus not to fly too close to the sun or the wax would melt, and not to fly too close to the sea or the feathers would get wet. In his excitement over flying, Icarus forgot his father's warnings and flew too close to the sun causing the wax that held the feathers to his arm to melt. He then fell into the sea and died.

Marvelous story. I'm not really sure what its significance is. I guess I should do some research, eh?

Work seems like a dull prospect compared to my adventures in Greek mythology today. I think I'm getting Friday off, though. That will be so nice. Then no school on Monday cause of Easter.

Speaking of Easter, I would just like to say my family has disappointed me varily. My entire extended family, that is. When I was little, every Easter, me and my little sister would wake up and go find what the Easter bunny brought us. My mom would get up and curl our hair all pretty, and we'd put on the matching dresses we had made just for Easter sunday. We only ever wore those dresses once. Then my dad would give us both a dollar to put in the offering plate, and we'd pile up in the car. After the church service we would go over to my mom's parents house for Easter lunch. My mom has two sisters and a brother. So with them, plus wife/husband and children, there were a lot of us there. First, we'd sit down and eat, then the adults would go out into the backyard and hide Easter eggs all over, while my aunt Rosemary took us children to the front of the house and played songs on the piano for us.

After we'd found all the eggs, usually twice (we'd always beg for them to hide them again and again), my mom would announce that me and my sister had to get ready to go over to my great-grandmother's place.

I always hated leaving before anyone else, but that was just necessary. We would all go home and change into some clothes we could play in, then head out to the assisted-living home my great-grandmothers lived in. This was where my dad's side of the family always got together on Easter. My dad has three brothers. More kids on this side of the family, so more eggs to hunt. Yes! This was my favorite place to hunt eggs.

My grandmother would take all the kids inside and slice us a piece of Easter cake (the one she made every year, exactly the same way as the year before), give us some ice cream, and tell us not to peek.

By the time we'd found all the dozens and dozens of eggs, we were all exhausted, so the dads would start up a game of softball, and our job was to be the cheerleaders. God, those were the best times ever.

Now let's come back to the present. My mom informed me that we wouldn't be having Easter at her parents house this year. I'm chalking this up to the fact that my aunt Rosemary died two years ago, and she absolutely loved all holidays. There's not one holiday we can partake in that doesn't remind us of her. Also, my grandmother got really sick in the past few months, and she's still trying to recover.

Then, today in class, my cousin Traci, who is my dad's brother's daughter, said that my grandmother had said she didn't think we'd be doing anything for Easter. It all depends on if my uncle John and his family, who happen to include the youngest, newest grandchildren, can come or not. Now, before my parents and Traci's parents got divorced, it didn't matter if John and them were coming or not. We'd have something anyway. It's like she wants to have the "perfect" family over so she can show us all what screw-ups our families are.

Blah, family just isn't what it used to be man.

Ashley Elizabeth

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clover the Mango! the cherry the kiwi

Miss These?
Puppies. - 2004-09-26
The Apartment. - 2004-08-06
Daily Grind, June 27th - 2004-06-29
2004 Beale Street Music Festival - 2004-03-16
- - 2004-03-15

All contents copyright ashley-o, 2002-2004.
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