Family is all I've Got
1:54 p.m. -- 2003-01-15

Today I Feel : The current mood of at

Well, Cooper finally saw my note I left on his journal. Ha, it's about time. So, anyways, I'm gonna talk about him some today. He's my cousin. My mom's brother's son from his first marriage. Ha, that's a mouthful. We used to be really close. My grandma would take us to the lake and let us play on the playground and stuff. It was so much fun. We would pretend we were on a big pirate ship. He always was the captain though. :( Being younger just has its disadvantages. Haha.

Anyway, I guess over the years we just grew apart cause he moved to another town and we didn't see each other much. Lots of stuff has happened in his life that I don't know much about. I just know some stuff that I got told by other people, and I try not to get my information about someone from anyone other than that person. Then last year I found out that he was hanging out in town again and that he was dating one of the girls in my graduating class, Lauren. She's a really sweet girl. We didn't really talk much but we always had classes together and stuff. No one really realized Cooper was my cousin cause we have different last names and look absolutely nothing alike or anything. And I'm pretty sure we were leading completely different lifestyles at the time. Then Whit, this crazy guy from the same town Cooper was living in, started talking to me in AP English one day and he asked if I knew Cooper and blah, blah everyone figured it out.

So I see him a little more now. He started going to school at the same place as me this semester. And the thing that means a lot to me is every time we see each other, no matter what he's doing, he comes over and talks to me for a minute and gives me a hug.

I'm really big on family. They all mean everything to me, because no matter who stiffs you in life you know your family is there to love you. I feel all sappy, but it's true. I just want Coop to know that I'm here for him too. So, if you ever needa talk about anything or whatever just let me know. :)

I have to write a 400 word paper this weekend. And I don't even know what it's about. God. Honors Comp II.. what the hell was I thinking? Nah, I'll do good. I'm a good bs'er. I can just make a bunch of stuff up. I swore to everyone, i.e. my parents, Mr. Holmes (vice-president of the school), Mr. Fondren (school counselor), and Mrs. Parham (my advisor) that I would have a 4.0 this semester. They seem to think anyone who made a 29 on the ACT and had a one point less than perfect score on the English part should have a 4.0 and no less. So, that means I don't get to be lazy anymore. Hah, I am so freakin LAZY.

Mr. Holmes also made me take this class called "Leadership." It's for the Phi Theta Kappa people. (For all of you who don't know what Phi Theta Kappa is: anyone who has a 3.5 or higher) Seeing as I had a 29.. he thinks I can handle it. God, all these expectations. I'm feeling some pressure here. The thing I hate is.. the Leadership class is on Friday at 8:30. If I didn't have to take this class, I could sleep in on Friday. :( Dumb school.

I'm feeling a little better today. Not so down in the dumps. My aunt Rhonda sent me this sweet text msg and told me to call if I needed to talk. It's so weird how people can tell when I'm not feeling right. I don't say anything. They just know. I think it's cause I stop smiling. When I'm happy I smile 24/7. No joke.

Ok, I'm tired of typing. I rode two miles on my sister's bicycle 30 mins ago and my legs feel weird. I think I needa get more exercise. I kinda stop everytime I start getting down. AHHH. Ok, sorry.

Ashley Elizabeth

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Puppies. - 2004-09-26
The Apartment. - 2004-08-06
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2004 Beale Street Music Festival - 2004-03-16
- - 2004-03-15

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