I'm Done, Done, On to the Next One
2:25 p.m. -- 2003-04-03

Entry Number : 164

Now Playing : Foo Fighters - All My LIfe

Quote for Today : "Caffiene is my best friend!" -- Rae

Today I Feel : The current mood of smileys114@hotmail.com at www.imood.com

Sometimes I feel as if I'm all alone
Staring out across the great unknown
As if no one cares what happens to me
Whether I'm here or even meant to be

Ok, I can't take it. I'm bored out of my mind sitting here at work. Argh! I'm just staying out of the "chat" realm for now. Less complicated.

I e-mailed a girl (with my same first and middle name no less) about becoming a part of her review site! I'm hoping all that works out. Something to do to waste the time away. Yay.. I'm kinda excited. I was a little harsh on the review she asked me to e-mail to her. But man that diary was just kind of.. dull? I don't know.

If you've been wondering what had me so upset lately, I think I'm finally ready to enlighten you.

First, my dad has gotten engaged again to the same person as before. Here's a brief background of the woman he's planning on marrying. She's been married three times. Both of her kids have different dads. Her first husband wants nothing to do with her or his daughter who is almost 13. He lives in Jackson and very rarely, if ever, sends Cassie, his daughter, any child support payments. Her second (and third) husband is the man she divorced, re-married, and divorced again. He's also the father of her son Justin, who just turned 5. Her children are total brats. They have to have their way no matter what, and Deanna usually just gives in and let's them run all over her. Her kids are the main reason she and my dad broke off their engagement a few months ago. She wasn't willing to compromise on the kid issue with my dad. My dad is not the type of person to let kids run his household. Luckily, Deanna and her kids moved in with him, and he realized that. I'm not sure what he's thinking now, though.

Second, my mom has had some guy over every night for the past three weeks and for some reason it makes me extremely uncomfortable. She's never really done that before. She mostly dates guys from out-of-town, and I never meet them. I like it that way. Maybe I'm just selfish, but I don't like having strange men know where me and my little sister sleep. That's just... creepy. Especially since I tend to attract unwanted attention from men much older than me. Ew.

Another thing that was bothering me is my friends were feeling neglected by me. I spent all of last night on the phone with one of my oldest friends for the first time since christmas. She thought I was MAD at her! I can't believe it. I thought she was mad at me. Wow, a little communication can sure go a long freakin' way.

I think a lot of my friends on here just expect too much from me, and I'm not just around to be there whenever it's convenient for them. Whatever.

l337reviews finished my review and told me I needed to add humor to my diary. Well, I'm not really what you would call a "funny" person. I'd rather be serious anyway. I mean if something funny happens to me I'll write about that, but other than that.. my life is pretty humorless. Unless you count my retarded conversations with Abbey and those only make sense to a few people.

then || now
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clover the Mango! the cherry the kiwi

Miss These?
Puppies. - 2004-09-26
The Apartment. - 2004-08-06
Daily Grind, June 27th - 2004-06-29
2004 Beale Street Music Festival - 2004-03-16
- - 2004-03-15

All contents copyright ashley-o, 2002-2004.
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